We Were Drowning

We were drowning

We were baptized into the cursed Atlantic

Where the screams of our ancestors can still be heard

We were dropped in the middle of it and told to stay afloat

We were drowning

Our love was weighed down by the “isms”

The weight of our trauma was too much 

I reached out to you because I couldn’t bear to witness

The cold waters extinguish your fire

It hurt way too much to see you sinking

I said, let me be your life jacket

You said the same

Hold on to me

And we clung on to each other

trying to stay afloat in a world neither of us asked to be born in

cursed centuries before we existed,

as soon as the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria 

troubled peaceful waters

I made you believe I could save you

That you needed me

That I could take you away, and that we could sail the azure skies, where I could give you the moon, stars, and everything you deserved

You held onto me for dear life

And as much as I wanted to put on my cape

Take you and fly away to a better place

I forgot that I was sinking too

You know what happens when two drown next to each other

They grasp onto each other,






All to get a taste of that life-saving air

They can’t escape each other’s desperate clutches

They become crabs in a barrel

We found ourselves sinking deeper into the shit

We were dying slowly

The weight of the Atlantic was too much

We were foolish to believe that we alone could fight it

When the corpses at the bottom served as a warning

of what happens to people like us 

in this damned sea

To be honest, you left some scars that I might never recover from

One day, I’ll find the strength to forgive you

I hope you forgive me

Do you see that I had to let go

To free us from our toxic embrace,

For your sake

and mine

There are no life jackets floating around

There are no buoys insight

There is no lifeguard, no ship looking for us

The home we once knew no longer exists

There is no one out there that is going to save us

The only thing left for us to do is to

Spread out our limbs and flap, swing, stroke

And learn to navigate these waters on our own

Maybe we’ll never get to fly and sail the azure sky

But hopefully, one day

We’ll do much more than float

We’ll learn how to swim