Three Ways To Increase Dopamine Levels and Stay Motivated

Three Ways To Increase Dopamine Levels and Stay Motivated title

Many of us know dopamine as the “feel-good” chemical. However, amongst many other things, dopamine regulates our motivation and energy levels. It is the chemical in our brains that motivates us to act. Back in the day, humans would explore new lands, walk for miles, and take risks because the reward was pleasurable. Dopamine’s function is to make us do things necessary for our survival, especially actions that we would not otherwise do. 

Nowadays, we have so much access to pleasure that it can be overwhelming. From infinite access to savory food to endless entertainment in online content and video games to social gratification, we get on social media from likes, comments, and emails. Studies have shown that even receiving an email can cause a quick hit of dopamine.

As modern humans, our pleasure-seeking impulses can become problematic. We risk overdosing on dopamine. We have so much access to “fast food dopamine” that we get numb to it. This leaves us feeling lethargic and unhappy. This dopamine overdose causes us to lose motivation for doing the things that we should be doing. 

Imagine eating the tastiest burger and fries in the world for a month. It may taste good at first, but at some point, it won’t taste as good anymore. You’ll need greasier, more savory foods to give you that same hit you initially had. It becomes so much harder to enjoy anything else. This same thing happens with dopamine. Why work on that project when you can sit around and watch YouTube videos all day? 

I have struggled with procrastinating on things I should do while making space for entertainment. Here are a few practices that have helped me increase my energy, motivation, and drive. 

1. Dopamine Detox

a woman meditating to reset dopamine levels
Photo by Noelle Otto on

One of the most powerful things that I have learned how to do is dopamine fast. Medical News Today defines a dopamine detox as “fasting from dopamine-producing activities, or ‘pleasures,’ for a certain amount of time with the hope of decreasing reward sensitivity.” It is a day to refrain from the fast-food sources of gratification: digital media, substances, alcohol, literal fast food, etc. It is not scientifically possible to have a complete “dopamine fast” in the literal sense. 

This break does not have to be miserable; in fact, I often look forward to my detoxes. During my dopamine detox, I enjoy journaling, reading, getting outside, and exercising. This day presents the perfect opportunity to reflect and take things slow. Dedicating a day to being mindful instead of mindlessly consuming has helped me put things in perspective and take control of my life. It gives me that boost of energy I need after a long, draining week. 

For long-term improvements, I have had to cut back on the sources of instant gratification. Everything is fine in moderation. But in a world that values excess, self-control is an underappreciated virtue. This way, you can escape the spiral I described earlier and have more time and energy to focus on your goals. Again, I want to reiterate, that does not mean living a miserable life where you are working all the time. But it means being more mindful of how you are spending your time, even your leisure time. The goal is to create a life that fulfills you instead of relying on “fast food” to feel good. This way, you will always be motivated to get up and attack your goals. 

2. Get uncomfortable

old black man running on embankment
Photo by Barbara Olsen on

It is hard to motivate yourself to do something you know is going to be unpleasant.

Find things that are a little uncomfortable to do each day. For example, this can be an intense morning workout, a cold shower, or doing dopamine fast. These things suck, but they train you to stop seeking comfort and instead seek greatness. Adversity triggers growth. 

Once you get to the other side, you will feel happy and energized.

Dr. Anna Lembke has a unique way of describing the relationship between dopamine and discomfort. If we look at dopamine and pleasure as two sides of a scale, by artificially pushing down on the pain side, we force ourselves to create more dopamine to create homeostasis. One way to increase our motivation is to add discomfort to our daily life.

Every morning, I get up early to do an intense workout. A grueling workout is the last thing I’d want to do early in the morning. However, afterward, I feel so accomplished that my day starts on the right note. The workout energizes me and motivates me to get on with my day. While the discomfort lasts for an hour or two, the good mood can last all day, and create that momentum you need to attack your goals. 

The most fulfilling things in life often require discomfort. Whether it is the pride of earning a degree, accomplishing a lifelong dream, or enjoying a long, happy relationship, great things take work and patience. By doing something uncomfortable every day, you train yourself to accept discomfort as a necessary part of life instead of something to avoid. This way, it is much easier to feel motivated to work through adversity when it arises. 

3. Live a healthy lifestyle

woman with a healthy diet
Photo by Nathan Cowley on

There are several aspects of living a healthy lifestyle that naturally increases dopamine. Exercise, as I’ve mentioned, is a natural mood and energy booster. Sunlight is another one. Studies show that getting enough sleep crucially impacts mood and motivation. Waking up early can increase productivity and drive. Mindfulness exercises have also been shown to reduce stress and increase mood. Last, our diet has a strong correlation with mood, dopamine, and energy. 

None of this should be surprising, but I will say this, anyway. Living a healthy lifestyle will do wonders in boosting your motivation. Sometimes, to get what we want out of life, we feel like we have to abandon self-care and pull all-nighters in the name of productivity. This is a one-way track to burnout. The best way to stay motivated and productive is to live an all-around healthy lifestyle. When you are firing on all cylinders, nothing can stand in your way. You can’t help but feel driven. 

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